Peerspace, a marketplace for booking spaces for events and productions, has listed Erica Lugbill #1 on their 2022 list of the 9 best interior designers in Chicago that was published earlier in the year.
The Lugbill Designs team didn’t notice this mention until recently, but we are so happy that our dedication to our work and our clients is getting noticed. The entire LD team puts clients first, each and every time. In fact, “Service to the customer above all” is one of LD’s core values. Speaking of those core values, here they are:
- Integrity
- Service to the customer above all
- Continuous self-improvement
- Proactive problem solving mindset
- Encouragement of individual ability and creativity
In the last year, several other publications have listed Lugbill Designs and its founder, Erica Lugbill, in their lists of top interior design firms / interior designers in Chicagoland. While the formula’s used by each website are different (and opaque), these are all unpaid placements that are a result of the Chicago design community recognizing the quality of work that the Lugbill Designs team does.
In the top designer article, Peerspace speaks about how Erica has built up a community, ensuring that communication is at the center of every one of her residential design/remodel projects throughout the city.
We look forward to uncovering more mentions from third-parties, that give testament to the quality of work that Erica and the team do.